Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ode to the Onion.

I wrote this because I don't think that onions get enough credit.....

Oh Onion, without you, my culinary talents would be nothing.
You have powers that are magnificent.
Without you, my dishes lack everything.

When cooked so slowly,
you become,
oh so sweet and caramely.

But when I get a hold of you, and start to slice or chop away,
You always bring tears to my eyes,
like no other you bring the burning, stinging and pain.

But oh, dear Onion, How I love you.
When I get your tender flesh inside the pan,
you work your magic wonder and I know I'll use you again.

So Onion, you're so sweet, yet so mean.
I want to thank you for doing your amazing thing.

Okinawan Purple Sweet Potato Haupia Pie

Okinawan Purple Sweet Potato Haupia Pie

Potato, saurekraut, cheese Pathivieir

Potato, saurekraut, cheese Pathivieir
School stuff, made my own sauerkraut too.

Decorative bread

Decorative bread
Made this in school

Orange butter tea cakes

Orange butter tea cakes
More school stuff