Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I really have been busy! I swear!

So I really have been busy! And tired... Especially now that I'm pregnant! So far I'm 24 weeks into it! We're having a little boy and most likely naming him Irbie! So excited to meet this little fellow! I have been slowly gathering baby stuff from people and soon will be ready to set up the nursery! It will be a fun little project. I'm signed up for baby registry and should be having a baby shower soon!

Also, I have been making lots of random foods and taking pictures, just not adding them to my blog.... Which is bad on my part, since I started my blog to share food I've created with all of you!

I am going to up load some stuff today that I've made(and other photos...) in the past few months since I haven't been sharing..... Okay! GO!

First here are some salmon berries that I found on my way to work. Just thought they are pretty so I took a picture....then ate them ^_^

Here is my first strawberry from my garden this year! It was sooo yummy! More have followed but haven't stuck around long enough to model.

I tried my hand at making bento and was sooo excited to have a kawaii(Japanese for "cute") lunch! And some for James too! The first two were his, and the other two were mine...

As you can see I'm still a newbie at making bentos. But today I just bought some new bento boxes and also cute little bottles for sauces and things like that. So new bentos will be on the way! Also I've been reading Anna the Red's Bento blog and have really been enjoying it and getting details!
I also got my Totoro cream puff idea from her!!! I'll be posting pictures and recipe later! Here's one picture, but I made two trays and the other one turned out better, I just haven't taken a picture yet... So here's this for now!

So that's it for now. I will be posting more later!

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Okinawan Purple Sweet Potato Haupia Pie

Okinawan Purple Sweet Potato Haupia Pie

Potato, saurekraut, cheese Pathivieir

Potato, saurekraut, cheese Pathivieir
School stuff, made my own sauerkraut too.

Decorative bread

Decorative bread
Made this in school

Orange butter tea cakes

Orange butter tea cakes
More school stuff